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11/22, 2009 02:09AM JStaxton 162 posts
Hello there,

The server is down again... I kicked the goalbot (although there was a bugfix with the name, it had no ID) via $kick the ID of the bot.

But the bot wont join the game again... so I let the remaining company for itself, the player had left ("Der Bahnmeiser Transport"). And so did I...

What can I do to restart the server if it has hang up completely?

so long

Edit: Some time later, the goal bot joined again... no ID... and commands wont work... game wont end.
11/23, 2009 03:40PM Ed le fou 161 posts
I will take a look at the 22/11's log file, anbd try to figure this out...
The bot *should* have renammed itself to Goal_Bot_ID...

Sometimes, the bug comes from OpenTTD, sometimes the bot is out of memory.
The bot is made to die quietly and reconnect whatever appends, but obviously some cases are still not covered.

I assume, wakoo did restart the game and goal bot, (btw i did accept your msn invite for emergency needs...) i will try to update the site to night.

Cya in game, Ed.