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01/04, 2011 08:50PM JStaxton 162 posts
Hello all!

First of all I want to thank Ed and Wakoo for the hard work they put into the new developments on the game server! This will be a great step towards a more competitive and exciting game experience on the server.
Now as one could imagine this process has its edges thats need to be rounded so this listing is to help keeping track of all problems related to the NewPerformanceSystem. Please post any new Bug or new info to a bug that arises.

Thanks for your help:

[Nr.] [Status] --- [Name] - [Description]

1. fixed --- gameNotCounted - sometimes games are not stored properly in the database, leaderboard won't updated correctly
2. [open] --- costModNotActive - the formerly introduced costmodding should be reactivated as soon as possible
3. fixed --- gameResultsExport - this admin functionality was broken during the update
4. [open] --- scoreCalculation - the score calculation seems to be broken, results are sometimes not plausible (values less 0 e.g.)
5. [open] --- rule#4Fitting - rules #4 doesn't fit on one line of the console... its difficult to read.
6. fixed --- scoreInfoShow - when using the !cp command the players company performance is showing an old percentage, but right trend in brackets
7. fixed --- OpenTTD view - Number of present companies always = 0
8. fixed --- Player History not working

We'll get that all fixed soon.
01/05, 2011 02:26PM Ed le fou 161 posts
Here are the bug's states :

1. Fixed,
2. It's openttd related, i have seen one game (steam) with the cost mod working. We must continue to check that,
3. Fixed,
4. Not fixed : I don't get how negative score happens. Previously, CV was from 2 EUR to 3 million EUR, now CP is from 0 to 1000. The math is the same here...
5. Not fixed : now rule#2 don't fit in the console either,
6. Fixed,
7. Fixed : OpenTTD view : Number of present companies always = 0,
8. Fixed : Player History not working.
01/05, 2011 05:36PM JStaxton 162 posts
thank you for working on that so quickly! I updated the list accordingly.

01/09, 2011 10:29PM JStaxton 162 posts
Hi there

regarding: 5. [open] --- rule#4Fitting - rules #4 doesn't fit on one line of the console... its difficult to read.

I would like to rephrase the following rules like this:
#0: Retaliation doesn't allow you to break any of these rules!
#1: Stay friendly and respect each other! Any racism/rude language will be sanctioned.
#2: Play fair! No reserving! No rating exploit! No blockage! Don't build useless structures!
#3: No heavy Town Destroying!
#4: No "ghost companies" for extra money! (e.g. to prepare your future build)
#5: No multiple companies for one person! (One person => One company)
#6: No one way trains!
#7: Don't buy other companies!
#8: Nobody can claim an industry (or goods)!
#9: No "Next, Next, Turn"!
#10: No catchment area exploit!

I hope now everything fits into the console