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01/24, 2011 09:12AM Michael Milligan 24 posts
It seems that after using the "!resetme" the 9 month counter doesn't to ever run out and allow you to restart.

I wait rather than hitting zero it resets to 9 months.
01/24, 2011 09:58PM Ed le fou 161 posts

Might be a bug, i didn't found any crash related to counters in the today's logs, but i will keep that in mind.

01/26, 2011 12:17AM JStaxton 162 posts
This bug still persists...

Players that reseted their company cant create a new one after waiting the 9month delay because the date seems to go further and further into the future...

Only quitting the game, then waiting and then rejoining will work for now the players told me.
